Choose Rugby


Choose a club. Choose a team. Choose a family. Choose a f*cking big prop; choose jumpers, tactics, big mean forwards and lightning fast backs. Choose good health, low blows, and dental insurance. Choose fixed stares and intimidating hakas. Choose a starting line-up. Choose a top-end scrum machine on hire purchase in a range of f*cking colours. Choose ICU and wondering where the f*ck you've woken up on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that icecold bench watching mind-numbing, spirit-enriching live matches, stuffing f*
ucking cold pies into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of the night, pishing your last in a miserable outhouse, nothing less than a legend to the selfish, f*cked-up brats you trained to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose Rugby.


Escolha Rugby. Escolha um clube. Escolha um time. Escolha uma familia. Escolha um prop do c*ralho; escolha segunda-linhas, táticas, grandes e crueis forwards, e rápidos backs. Escolha uma boa saúde, golpes baixos, e o plano dental. Escolha olhares fixos e hakas intimidantes.
Escolha um ponto de partida line-up. Escolha seus amigos. Escolha agasalho e kitbags combinando. Escolha uma máquina potente de scrum comprada ou de alugada em uma gama de cores do c*ralho. Escolha UTI e se perguntando onde diabos você acordou numa manhã de domingo. Escolha sentar naquele banco assistindo entorpecido mentalmente, com espírito enriquecedor aos jogos ao vivo, estufando de tortas frias do c*ralho em sua boca. Escolha apodrecer no final da noite, xingando seu passado em uma casinha miserável, nada mais do que uma lenda para os egoístas, pirralhos f*dido você treinou para substitui-lo. Escolha o seu futuro. Escolha Rugby.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Get your motor running...

Yesterday (Saturday 9th) should have seen Niteroi Rugby Club's final game in this year's national Super 8 Championship, involving a road trip (yay!) to Desterro Rugby. This is a journey of about 1150 km (720 miles). Easy peasy!
Unfortunately, the bus broke down half way, in Sao Paulo state, and couldn't be fixed in time for a match to go on.

Who needs a scrum machine when you have a bus to push? 

So, no rugby, and if the game is declared a Walkover then Niteroi may be fined R$5000 (US$3000), AND be barred from next year's league! Lucky white heather, anyone?

On a more serious note, with the inclusion of a team (Farrapos Rugby) from the southernmost state in next year's expanded Super 10  9, even more stupidly long journeys (and associated costs) will be required for all teams. And for the referees too, I suppose :-). Unless...

Unless the decision is taken to split the national Super 9, Campeonato Brasileiro, whatever, into two or three regional mini-leagues, with the top four teams overall advancing to national semifinals.

This structure ought to be easy enough to implement on top of the existing state championships, same as the current Super 8, while still giving the top teams a higher level of competition.
Plus it reduces travel expenses.
Plus it is easily expandable, if the Centre-West and North-East/Bahia regions want to get involved at some future date. (Thus making a more truly National competition.)

My next post will give more details of this proposed regional SuperLeague.

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